Friday 13 August 2010

Stamps are out and everyone is earning them!

Sick and tired of having nothing to do on Club Penguin lately? Well, I can tell you that I'm not!

Club Penguin have released "Stamps". Stamps are just them boring stickers that you put on the envelopes when you send mail, right? Wrong! They have released stamps so you can do activities, earn them on games and events!

Of course, everyone has a Stamp book, so you cant miss out! Even Non-Members too! But non-members cant edit the cover of theirs...

What do you think?

New Mountain Expedition | What We Think

So I am guessing all members have heard and seen the Mountain Expedition on Club Penguin, am I right? Well, me (Icerogue) and my friend (Pinkbubblegum) looked in the newest Club Penguin Times and saw there was going to be a new mountain, so we got our climbing gear on and headed out last night to climb it. We were really looking forward to this event.

When we got to the top, there was a disappointment. The room has nothing free in it and it looks like this (SNEAK PEEK FOR NON-MEMBERS!):

What was my rating out of ten? 1/10, Only 1 because you only got 1 item at the beginning.

The owner

(EDIT: That is a hidden room, not the top of the mountain, you get a red flag at the top. )

Thursday 12 August 2010

Welcome Know It Alls.

Been called nerdy or different names when you're a Club Penguin Know It All (Or A Different Know It All)? Well, guess what I have to say about that...


Being a Know It All is good for example, if there was a competition to win £100,000,000 / $100,000,000, and the question was a Club Penguin question, for example when was Club Penguin Made and What Time What day, You'd win that question!

Teaches ya that nerdy is good ROFL.

So come here (Cuz I'm kinda like you lot) !

The owner